spelling is so elusive. and the idea "of looking it up in a dictionary" seems to me, ridiculous! things in the dictionary are in alphabetical order. if i knew the letters in order, then i would know how to spell it. if it didn't, how could i do it?

well, the good thing was, i learned to love dictionaries!

up until i had a good spell checker (aenegma has personality, but lets face it, it is not a good spell checker) there were words i never ever used in writing.. like decide

i could never be be sure was is diside (dis has a negating meaning like disagree)
was it deside? -- again de can be to remove decapitated, and when you decide you have removed doubt.

or was is dicide? and maybe related to dictate-- a dictum or order?

so for a long time i would opt or make a choice or elect or some other word.. that i could spell.

now, computer programs gentle, quitely, patiently correct me, and slowly, i am learning!