entertainment types Huh?

And, gee, what if some innovative creative minds were daring enough to take an artistic risk like, say, Walt Disney, who turned a Grimm's Fairytale fantasy into a musical called Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, or the folks who decided to take a shot at turning an L. Frank Baum children's fantasy called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz into a musical film?...our lives and the world would be so much the poorer for being desecrated by such generic fluff! O the horror! the horror!

"O the horror! the horror!"???...hmmm...yes, yes!...I bet Stephen Sondheim could turn Conrad's The Heart of Darkness into a musical of distinguished caliber...let's put him on to it immediately!

And those other "entertainment types" like Lerner and Loew, who had the audacity to transform Pygmalian into My Fair Lady, or Rodgers and Hammerstein who took Michener's Tale's of the South Pacific and made it into a (gulp) musical play, or Cole Porter turning The Taming of the Shrew into that pulp piece Kiss Me Kate, or Loesser and Loew or took classic Damon Runyon stories and came up with that travesty Guys and Dolls, or Lloyd Webber who dared insult us by turning a horror story like The Phantom of the Opera into an operetta, and Leornard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim who utterly defiled Romeo and Juliet by cloaking it in a modern setting and coming up with (gasp!) West Side Story...and the list just goes on and on...

These "entertainment types" who assault us with such things as Three Penny Opera, Showboat, The Man of La Mancha, Les Miserables, Fiddler on the Roof, The Sound of Music, A Chorus Line, Sweeney Todd, A Little Night Music, Cabaret, Camelot, Pippin (a hobbit's name, wouldn't'cha know?), The Fantastics, Porgy 'n' Bess (da noive of dat Gershwin! ), and so many others, should be stopped immediately from this continued barrage against our integrity! Damn them all!