autonomy is a double edge sword. Yes, he fathered them, and yes, he didn't use birth control after the fourth child, even though her doctors expressed the opinion that a she should wait a while before having more children, since she has such post partum problems, and yes he is wanted home schooling, so she didn't have the oldest in kindergarden, and the middle ones in a pre-school.

but if we as woman want autonomy, we can't then turn around and say, he is just as guilty as i am.. he made me do it.

no one made her not use birth control. no one made her carry the pregnacy to term. no one made her do it.

if you want to say its his fault, then, she, and women, go back to being chattle, unable to deside our own destiny, unable to make decisions for our selves.

she made the decision to marry him. she decide not to countermand his dictats. now circumstances; controling, conservative religous husband, and in laws, isolation, and real medical problems all played a part.

her decision was, she was a bad mother, and by being a bad mother, she was destroying her children. leading them to evil. to protect them for her(self) she killed them. Obviously, not sound thinking. (that she had twice tried to kill herself should have clued other into the fact she was unable to think soundly.)

but she did have choices. and while he seems like a real shit, and seems to have a miopic view of the world-- she acted.

i think there is a lot of blame to go round. and sick as she was, she should not be treated criminaly for what she did. but i don't want to go back to a world, where the law hold i am incapable of making decisions, and i am mere chattel of my husband, father, brother or son-- which ever male the law decides. and that i am not a responsible adult.

should he be procecuted for child endangerment, leading to the death of the children? was he wrong to have left kids with her? yeah. but the fact is, it ain't going to happen.

it not that he doesn't have some responsiblity in this.. he does. but she does too.