The Giant Jam Sandwich, written by John Vernon Lord (with Janet Burroway), published in 1972.

It's about a small town which suffers a wasp inavsion:

"One hot summer in Itching Down,
Four million wasps flew into town.
They drove the picnickers away,
They chased the farmers from their hay,
They stung Lord Swell on his fat bald pate,
They dived and hummed and buzzed and ate..."

The townspeople finally got rid of them by trapping them in a giant sandwich (jam, of course) and then airlifting the whole thing out to sea.

Much cuter in the hard copy, and the illustrations, than I can provide here.

I just thought it was germane to the discussion. (New thread possibility here - where does the word "germane" come from? Don't have my dictionary handy)

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