Thanks for the link, Dr. Bill, that's a page I hadn't seen yet. The guy seems a bit bitter, to say the least. Or maybe he's dealt with too many rude USns - I've been lucky enough to have mostly dealt with nice ones (you guys)!

I noticed a couple of mistakes, though.

#38 - the fact about murders in NYC in one week being more than all of Canada in a year - doubtful. He quotes in the next fact that Canada only has about 600 homicides per year. Do you think NYC actually has more than 600 murders a week?

#26 - the provinces. Of all things he got the floral emblem of Manitoba wrong (and I only caught this because I'm from Manitoba). It's the prairie crocus.

#49 - apparently no one owns the North Pole. I just read this somewhere (source unknown) last week. However, he's right about writing to Santa Claus. Santa writes back, too. I've never tried it, but there's an army of Canada Post elves dealing with Santa's correspondence.