Perfect poem keiva, to whom do we owe the thanks?

Has anybody ever seen a paper or study on how the mind processes thoughts to come up with the perfect words?

Well bel, in simple form, this is what I think...

The brain stores and therefore retrieves information by association. This filing system is complex but in general it is temporal in nature, that is, it files by date.
Most of the sorting and filing is done while we sleep, subconsciously. When we are awake fighting wars, the assault of information overwhelms, so we put these bits of environmental stimuli into short term storage until the relative calm of dreamtime. Then the filling clerk on the night shift can began sorting them into strings and packets by category, and while he's at it he can start retrieving stuff from closets that we have told him that we will need in the coming day.

Perfect words and perfect thoughts almost always come in the early morning or late at night.