MANY thanks to everybody! I got back in town this afternoon to find all kinds of lovely well-wishes; I even got a lovely package in the mail. I got two in code: one was just the names of the notes to the first line of the song (merci, wofa!), and Ted's was the other (thanks for permission to publish, my friend--I was going to ask): Ted sent me a series of pictures: a hippo, a birdie, two ewes, a deer, and then Jackie Onassis! And, he'd just gone and found them all--I could tell they hadn't all come from the same place. Bless his heart! Ted, I hope you had a grand day. Mine was okay--not great, not bad. I'll share what my trip was like.

The reason for the trip was the Boy Scouts climbing outing. My husband is the Scoutmaster, and didn't want to leave me alone on my birthday, plus it had been the plan for my dau. to stay in the B & B with me, and then go with the Scouts this morning and show them how climbing's done--she's pretty good. But you really can't climb rocks (by choice) with stitches in your knee. So she and I just poked around the place.

The trip was ok--a little rougher than I'd realized it would be (geographically, I mean.) We were in the mountains, or if they were foothills they were mighty tall foothills! The two-lane highway wound along, up and down and around, with 60-foot cliffs on either side, or maybe a cliff on one hand and just the mountainside on the other. The B & B was tucked into a hollow between two mountains--definitely a first-gear driveway. I really had to rough it: there was no remote control for the television! The place was called Torrent Falls. I knew the Scouts had camped beside them, and this morning I walked up to see them--figured it was the least I could do, since I was staying at Torrent Falls B & B! Well, I have to say they prolly ought to have been named Trickle Falls, at least this time of year. They couldn't have been more than two feet wide, of separate streams, not even a solid wall of water. They did drop about 200', though. I found out the guys had had to sleep on bedrock! They couldn't even put their tents up. But the shelf went way back under the rock overhang. It's not often I've gotten to look at an ancient ocean floor from the underside. Though this wasn't the first time--Kentucky is cave country, after all.

Last night, we drove over to see this tunnel that had been hewn all the way through a mountain, through solid rock. It had been built because the railroad couldn't get supplies over the mountain. It's about a quarter-mile long, and one lane wide--very little room on either side--OR overhead! And no artificial lighting. The jagged rock edges jutted out at us all along it. It was cool! I think one of the assistant Scout leaders thought I'd be intimidated by it--ha! It's hard to intimidate me, driving. Though I will say I'm not comfortable in the mountains, even on a 4-lane highway--all the imaginings of brake failure come to haunt me. Louisville is a flat city, and that's what I'm used to. BUT--one area we drove through on the way to the tunnel kind of creeped me out--pretty much straight out of Deliverance. For about a half a mile at one point, on either side of the road, were all these ramshackle houses and trailers, with trash all in their yards, and, and, and, outhouses! I swear. I saw a quarter-moon painted on the door of one.