Jackie, my dear, you are probably very close with your pronunciation. All, or nearly all,unaccented Spanish words have the accented syllable in the next to last position. When a word requires the use of an accent is when the accent is not on the next to last syllable[whew-e] Everyone follow that? The brown, or dark brown sauce that of troy is refering to, mole, is a sauce made from ground dried chili peppers, cocoa, raisins, cinnamon, ground pumpkin seeds[hey, that's a nut, isn't it?], etc. and when made correctly, tastes like heaven. The stuff they sell in jars is not made correctly. I have never seen anyone eat mole on guacamole. If they did, I would suspect a mental illness. I love Haas avocados. Those huge bright green things they grow in Florida have no taste as far as I am concerned. I think they must be mutants.