"S'adore i sim caid him faite"

A little late in the game here...

I know you are trying to find a Gaelic translation to this but I have to say several words sound amazingly like jouale (street/slang French Qu�becois).

s'adore = he loves himself.

i = very common abreviation for "il" = he

sim = seems.
It was mostly used by second generation people who's part ancestry was English...like my Grandmother who's parents were Irish and French. A lot of English words were used phonetically like "un sing" for a sink. The Office is eliminating those words so folks under 20 have no idea what they mean.

caid = a chiftan/judge/military leader

him (exception...sounds like nothing jouale)

faite = done/accomplished

I don't know if I helped Angel, I think I may be muddying the waters more