the "explaination" of additude that worked for me, was the "story" bit-- you know how sometimes people trade war about a bad day--'You think your day was bad, let me tell you about mine.." but when they do, they tell the story with relish, they take pride in all the endured, they work at telling a good story, until, you are rolling in laughter. you might recognize there is a small bit of exageration in the story, but it is mostly true.

If you are going to tell a war story about your experiences, if you are going to relish them in a couple of hour, days, weeks or months, why not relish and enjoy the experience as it happens? a mile long fender bender because of smog? has it closed down the road, and left you in a 10 mile long backup? Well, the day you planned is shot-- so enjoy the day you have been given!

It really hard to ruin my day now! every day is an adventure.. most of them are boring.. but every once in awhile, i have a great adventure!