Dear WO'N: Psychic weapons may take many forms. One day from a mezzanine nurse's station that overlooked a large ward, I saw an ancient hag who had come in to feed her brother who had had a cerebral vascular accident which paralyzed one arm. She was obviously povertry stricken and badly undernourished. Understandably, after feeding her brother, she could not resist the temptation to steal the tray of patient with similar affliction in next bed, who was likewise unable to speak or feed himself but had no relative to help him, and no attendant was available. She pulled the curtain aside and slowkly reaced for his tray. When the second patient saw what she was doing, he whipped off his bed covers with his good hand, grasped his penis and pointed it at her. She stopped and slowly backed away, letting the curtain fall back in place.