thank you Plutarch, for saying so elegantly, what i hoped to express in my rant..

I truly believe that the scientific training of "western" doctors has value..and the science has done many things to improve life, (both personally and in general) but i also place great value in psychic healing.

i believe peppermints will relieve an upset stomach. i rarely have an upset stomach, but if i do, a single peppermint does the trick. I never got "sick" when i was pregnant, but i was sure, when ever i felt queasy, just a little bit of something cool and creamy on my tongue would make me feel better. and so, a spoonful of orange sherbert.. and i felt fine. even i as took the sherbert, i knew, it was "all in my mind" but, it still worked.

when my kids got warts, i mixed up a conconction.. (bits of this and that, colored it almost black with a basic caramel coloring, painted it on their warts, and told them it was wart killer.. and sure enough, the warts went away. (when my daughter got another wart in her teens, she refused my treatment -- since it was "not real" and bought an expensive OTC medicine.. it worked just the same as mine!

and as for the quoteThy life is a mirror of the images that form in thy mind. Thinkest thou evil and evil is thine. -- yes, i have heard (and been taught that, and belive it) People made fun of Jimmy Carter, when he said he had "lusted in his heart"-- and saw his sin as great as if he had acutally cheated on his wife.. but the catholic church would agree. One can sin by thought, action, or deed.
Deed here means inaction-- as indeed, in reality- even if not actively. (listening to gossip was the example i remember.. ) 1 sin to think bad thoughts, an other sin to speak badly about another, and thirdly, even just listening, is a sin.

but it works the other way too.. i am (you can look at my photo in the gallery) overweight, and average looking.. but in my heart of hearts, i know, i am not just beautiful, but very sexy, as well as smart. I sometime have trouble meeting guys, but in very short order, many agree with my self assesment. i project it, and they accept it. i am average height (5'5") but my sister, who is 3 inches shorter, thinks she is tall (she was very short when young, and set herself simple goals, she just wanted to be taller than parents.) eveyone, really everyone! thinks she is taller than me.. even when we are standing side by side! she thinks she is tall-- and everyone picks up her psychic message.. and agrees!