About ten years ago Irish radio (excellent stuff compared to the schlock TV which consists mostly of US and Oz imports) played the complete Radio series of the Goons. A whole new audience was introduced to their zany characters and the fill-in music (can anyone remind me of the names of the harmonica - Max something? - and the singer?) and the comedy has really aged well. I think the radio station got its highest ratings ever as a result and inspired a range of new talent which is now prominent in the comedy clubs in Ireland and on radio.

Classic sketch:

Neddy Segoon is driving along the seabed when he comes across an Oyster's house. Knock on the door.

Sellers (as oyster): Yes?
Secombe:Is Pearl there?
Sellers: No, I'm her mother.
Secombe: Ah! So you're mother of Pearl!

And, of course:

Bluebottle: He's fallen in the water! and You rotten swines!

Why, oh why did Sellers ever leave?