Sorry Jackie it is a little selfish of us. Spike Milligan was a writer ,comedian and an accomplished jazz musician
he wrote a radio comedy show called "The Goons" which co-starred Peter Sellars it was a little before my time , but whenever you hear a member of Monty Python asked about their influences they always say the main one was the Goon Show. IT was anarchic insane humour and quickly became a massive hit in the 50's
Spike also wrote his memoirs of his time in the army in WW2 tney are both hilarious and at times very sad. he was wounded in the terrible battle for Monte Cassino and suffered terrible shellshock which led to ten nervous breakdowns during the course of his life, many people would say that his mental state informed his unique sense of humour. Middle aged men in Britain (and elsewhere) go misty-eyed still at any mention of The Goon Show.

the Duncster

the Duncster