I was hoping that people could come here with their English version/dialect problemsIt is a theme that allows of infinite discussion, isn't it? I love the way that English adapts to different environments, taking whatever it needs from other languages. It seems to me that this flexibility is what gives English its strength, and in this regard I regard myself as fortunate to live in a country with two official languages, as do you. The major problems that other English speakers have with New Zealanders is that we tend to talk very quickly, especially in contrast with the painfully slow and careful enunciation typical among US English speakers, and we barely open our mouths when speaking. Oh, and by the way, I was not having a disagreement with tsuwm. Tsuwm is the closest thing this board has to a deity, a personage whose incredible wealth of knowledge rightly inspires awe, and I have received a great deal of assistance from tsuwm in the ten days or so that I have been frequenting this board. I am, at least in my own self-delusional universe, a fellow of most infinite jest, and was simply attempting a little banter. I guess I am just starting to feel sufficiently at ease to indulge in such frivolity.

"Nationalism is an infantile disease, the measles of humanity" - Albert Einstein