Interesting list of suggestions on that link, hev.

Here's the list, and my reactions:

· Walk two flights of stairs. Check. I must go up and down about 20 flights a day.
· Go for a walk in the morning or after work. Check. Just getting from my parking space to my office is a hike.
· Do some stretching whilst you are on the phone. What? Now I have to start making phone calls for fitness?
· Walk to the shops, bank and Post Office rather than driving. Hmmmm. Six or seven miles to any shop, bank or post office, and then six or seven miles back. Where do I get the spare four hours?
· Eat a piece of fresh fruit. 'Kay.
· Park the car further from work and walk the rest of the way. Ha! Further? You carry all the paperwork, files, lunches, shoes, and pop, then.
· Take the family for a stroll around some gardens. And the person paying for the destruction to the gardens is....?
· Try an early morning (or evening) jog in the park. What park?
· Visit your local swimming pool and take a dip. 'Kay. Only three more months until the water thaws.
· Try a new activity such as golf or cycling - for a change. Golf???? Can't I clean toilets instead?
· Take up yoga or tai chi for relaxation. The only thing I need to obtain relaxation is a babysitter willing to take in.
· Get up 10 minutes earlier and try some meditation. Rouse yourself out of preciously rare sleep, to induce yourself into another state of sleep? Who wrote this?
· Take a drive to the country and go walking. That would be me, coming home and chasing the kids.
· Substitute some of your regular coffee with decaffeinated. You'll get my caffeine when you pry it out of my cold, dead, but jittery hands.
· Play frisbee in the park with friends or your kids. Again, what's this park?
· Go for a swim after work. But first, I have to break a hole in the ice with an axe. Got an axe?
· Get together with your friends for a game of soccer, tennis or badminton. Snow soccer! Now both boring and dangerous!
· Go for a twenty-minute walk everyday. Is this in addition to all the other walks and jogs? Who edited this?
· Try a variety of activities to get fitter such as walking, swimming, light jogging or tennis. Again with the walking, swimming, jogging and tennis.
· Find an exercise tape you like and one that feels right for you and exercise at home. Whatever the weather outside, you'll then be able to do regular exercise. Here's my exercise routine: chase the kids; chase the dog; pick up toys; mop up spills; sweep; dust; mop; vacuum; scrub. It's not "regular;" it's constant.
· Consider taking up a weight resistance program, such as Strong Women Stay Young. 'Life. Be in it' can advise you on these programs. I've been trying to resist weight all my life.