As an 'infrequent poster', i hope my $.02 won't be unwelcome here.
i have precious little time to spend on the Board, and on days like today when i find the time to log in for a 'quick fix', i am positively disgusted to find that not one but *several* threads are full of venom, all connected to a single person.
keiva, i don't know what your problems are, and i frankly don't have the time or energy to ponder them, but if truly want what's good for this board (and may i humbly point out that, despite your alarmingly numerous posts, you haven't been here all that long), i beseech you to take your own advice, in one of two ways:
(1) either leave the Board, as you promised to do
(2) create another "alias", and join us anew with positive contributions instead of vitriol. newcomers are welcomed with open arms, here, and even if some of us finally figure out that it's you, i can guarantee you'll be treated with courtesy and respect until such time as you revert to your old ways.
once you've dug yourself a hole this deep, you're not going to be able to climb out. FWIW, i hope you *do create an alias and come back ~ you've made some excellent contributions to the board (aside from the ugliness), and that's what we're all here for.
but as both mav and hev have pointed out, your contrary posts (and the ugly responses they elicit, as evidenced above

) are almost akin to car accidents... somehow it's difficult not to look. i find myself alternately cheering for you ("he's GOT to wake up and smell the catfood soon, everyone's given him *so many chances -- and suggestions -- to just zip his lip and move on with the word stuff") and disgusted with you ("he's even attacking BEL'M, now? you must be kidding!"), but my overwhelming feeling with all this is resentment. i can't speak for anyone else, but i limit my time on AWAD to brief spells, and not even every day. on this day, for instance, i wasted nearly all of my allotted time reading this horrid thread and crafting this [unspellchecked/grammarchecked, forgive me] post, and i'm done with it.
add me to the list ~ i don't have time for negativity, and that's what you seem to be all about.
FWIW, i feel sorry for you; you must be a desperately unhappy person. i hope you get the help you need, and if/when you come back...
and prove yourself, over time, to be a 'team player'[E.A.]... i'll be the first to defend you should anyone throw stones. but until then, you'll just be ignored by this ayleur.