I think the standard Canadian pronunciation is "aitch". BUT. People who live on the West Coast of Newfoundland (not to be confused with the Real West Coast = Vancouver) seem to move the initial 'h' around. This is for some reason associated in my mind with being French-Canadian. There are a lot of French communities in that part of the island. Let me give some examples:

I say "onion", they say "honion".
I say "aitch", they say "haitch".
I say "horrible", they say "orrible".
This next one is common for all Newfoundlanders: I have a friend named "Hugh" which they pronounce "you".

And so on. So what we need to know, at least for the Canadian trend, is whether or not belM says "aitch" or "haitch", "ockey" or "hockey", "onion" or "honion". And what she hears around her in Québec.