Apology for being obtuse ... the top of my head doesn't seem to be where the synapse for reading lurks.
Tsuwm rightly noted entries should sound alike,(be) spelled alike,
Foiled again in effort to keep a thread going! Ah well, here's a late entry:

representation of a leaf in heraldry;
thin sheet of metal or other substance (i.e. plastic etc);
small arcs between the cusps of a Gothic window or arch;
in architecture to ornament with foils;
some thing or person who sets off another by contrast;
In wrestling a throw not resulting in a complete fall;
In hunting the track or scent of a hunted animal;
A light, blunt edged fencing sword, button-ended;
also the excercise of fencing with foils;
trample or tread down;
When I finally think of one ya godda admit I can really pound it into the ground!