Pound (noun) vs. Pound (verb)

Pale (noun) vs. Pale (adverb)
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cricket the game, and cricket the insect seem to both go back to the middle french-- criquet... but this is not definative.. care to give more history Rubrick?

and the two meaning of crow.. a bird, or triumphant call (or bragging) both go back to OHG--krawa--a word for a black bird, or the loud call of the blackbird, or for the people of the blackbird (Crow nation is one of america's aboriginal tribes.)-- but maybe i missed something? if so, please enlighten us..

but just below.. Crowd-- a multitude is related to crowd, to press together, or hurry, and both go back to a root word for curds!

but Crowd, a musical intrument.. doesn't.
mind,you, i didn't know till 2 minutes ago there was a intrument called a crowd.. but it just goes to show you...

i have mental list of about 10-- sometimes 15..(when i have been thinking about it.) but i bet there are lots...