Thank, Tsuwm--
Yes, cleave (one spelling, one way of saying) traces back to two different root words.

Hamper too
One meaning of hamper is to impeed,

an other word, (that is spelled the same) is
Hamper (from hanaper) a basket originally used to carry goblets, (hanapes)and by extention, a basket used to store or transport clothing or valuables.

i haven't checked out crow, or cricket or Rubrick's other words...

some words are tricky.. as was pointed out in another thread, Cosmetics and Cosmos (the universe) --very different meanings-- both trace back to a greek word for Order, neatness.. one makes cosmetic repairs to appearence by putting on fresh lipstick, and the world around us is ordered too, day follows night, etc.

its not as easy as it sounds..but we are up to the challenge.