What a pity fusion power seems a dream unlikely to materialize.

Oh, I wouldn't write it off completely so soon. Admittedly the early promise hasn't eventuated, but I've seen a few papers floating about which suggest that there are alternatives to the tokomak approach which might receive research funding in the nearish future. We know it works, we get proof renewed every day at dawn!

But another power source which no one has really commented on is beamed power from space, using large arrays of solar collectors in geosynchonous orbit. The technology, I understand, is readily available and the costs are actually calculable, but there has just been no commercial uptake as yet - too big a commercial risk, I suppose. There's still oil and coal to burn, uranium to enrich and rivers to destroy.

Time, I suppose, will tell.

Which brings me to the axiom which I didn't post on Mav's thread:

Wot, me worry? - Alfred E. Newman

The idiot also known as Capfka ...