I figured the subject would turn to this, left to stew long enough, so I've been waiting to put my two cents in...

I've got a car on order that's a step in the right direction. I'm getting a Toyota Prius, which is the hybrid gas/electric sedan first released in 2001. It's not the kind of electric car that you have to plug in, the batteries regenerate upon braking (absorbing the energy through the brakes, effectively). It idles on battery and accelerates on gas, giving it something like 53 miles per gallon - only exceeded by the Honda Insight, which runs on the same technology, but being a smaller 2-door with an aluminum frame accounts for the obscene 65 mpg or whatever it gets.

For more info (and pictures!):

Honda and Ford (!) are in development for fuel cell cars, but the infrastructure is guaranteed to take a while to catch up... they don't just have fuel cell stations on every street corner here in Minneapolis...

But for more info on fuel cells, here's a good resource:


And as for windfarms, I think they're lovely. The sound of the wind turning the blades is very soothing... and I like the look of the farms themselves ~ in the same way that I like military cemeteries. Orderly lines of identical objects, viewed from a distance - I think that's why Christo's umbrella project was so resonant to a lot of people. Connecting the dots, finding the pattern. Wow... that was stream-of-consciousness! From windfarms to Christo, one line, no waiting!
