with marijuana, everything is new again.. every experience takes on the fear, joy, excitement of a new experience...

He makes it sound like a real pleasant experience doesn't he...no mention of dry eyes, dry mouth and pass the Twinkies please. I don't think anybody is *excited* after smoking pot. Joy & excitement are not words associated with smoking pot - more like extremely relaxed, zoned-out, laid back or horny.

we have a child like wonder.. uh, no, we just can't focus enough on anything so our mind wanders around aimlessly.

I think this guy is laying it on a little thick. Seriously, you gotta call a spade a spade. I don't mind saying that I've smoked mari (our common French term) but I wouldn't say I had childlike wonder while doing it.

A child has wonder because it marvels at new things, it is inquisitive. Under the influence of pot you may be enjoying yourself but you are too nonchalant and laid back to be inquisitive.

forgetfullness is the key point that's right, you forget you just looked at that same twill of jeans, oh, say eight or twenty times now and where the hell you put the Twinkies.

Personnally, I think marijuana is no more/no less dangerous that alcohol and if people want to take it in moderation then they should be allowed to. But, that is the key to everything though, isn't it, moderation.