...the Kiwi,on the other hand, is represented as shoe wax. Akshully® bel, Kiwi shoe polish is a Striner product. The guy who started it up stole his wife's nationality as a brand name [oh, the shame of having "Kiwi" registered as an Ozzie brand!]

(oh and that fuzzy fruit with all those teeny black pits that get stuck in your teeth, Akshully®, bel, Kiwifruit is really stolen from China. They used to be known as Chinese gooseberries. Chile is currently stealing them from New Zealand. We've taken to calling them Zespris, I think. Oh, the tangled webs ...

that you find only after you have smiled at your coworkers all day and had that big presentation in front of your boss and the board of directors and flirted with that cute girl on the elevator)

Oh, sorry bel, didn't know your inclinations went that way ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...