Sideburns-- has a shorter but similar history..

in the mid 1800 large side whiskers were popular.. a US General Sideburns sported a large bushy set of such whiskers, and they became know as sideburns..

whiskers of that style are no longer stylish, but hair forward of, and lower then the top of the ear continue to be called sideburns.. no matter how long or short.

most women don't have much hair forward of their ears--

before puberty, its easy to tell what hair and what is facial hair..but how do you tell once a man beard comes in? is the texture of the hair different..It seems to be.. but is it gradual or dramatic?
but where does its start to change? and the color can be different.. the change in color is gradual, i know.
(my son has med, ash hair, but his beard is lighter, closer to blond.. except, around his mouth, where it is definately red!)

hirsute men responces are welcome.