Dead dingo's donger = deceased (male) Australian wild dog's reproductive organ

LOVED the good 'ol boy saying re ticks - it's now part of the stales vocab!!

I may have mentioned in a previous post the collection of good 'ol boy sayings I compiled in 1984 whilst working with an old, grizzled geologist from Tucson. Had never heard anything like them in Straya so wrote them all down and have tried to use them as often as possible since. Apologies for not diluting the following, but they'd lose something if I did:

Well, aint that just slicker'n catshit on linoleum

Well, aint that just slicker'n snot on a brass door handle

(A lot of something..) "asshole deep to an eight foot indian"

(not much of something) "not enough to fill a bee's nostril"

and a few others I forget that I don't have the time to post at the moment...
