SWMBO and I went out to eat at a local hostelry last night as is our wont when nothing better offers. The soup kitchens are soooo unreliable these days.

Anyway, on the door of this establishment was one of those ubiquitous signs advertising the fact that the place had an alarm system and who provided it. I figure that businesses allow these signs to be put up so that burglars can tell what kind of alarm system to bone up on before defeating it. Saves wanton destruction.

This sign was a little different, however. It had these words inscribed on it (but not in letters of gold six foot high on the wall of the BHP in Newcastle - and I never let a chance go by, do I):

Anti-Robbery Device Installed

So what? you may well be asking yourself. Well, the thing is that I have never seen the term "anti-robbery" used before. "Anti-burglary", yes. "Anti-robbery", no.

A genteel discussion of this wondrous term ensued in the dining room over a beer and an alcopop. SWMBO holds that "anti-robbery" probably means a device which protects the cash if there is a hold-up. I remain unconvinced - I see it as probably being a synonym for "anti-burglary". We could have asked, but ...


The idiot also known as Capfka ...