Dear Anu,

Thank you for creating this place. And thanks to the people who have contributed so much humor and intelligent commentary. I, yep, me, the one who has so much to learn every minute of every day, am most especially grateful for the little education of Theresa that I've been privileged to receive. Thanks for teaching me ctrl+N to create new pages so I can go off researching on (and thanks for that site) and return quickly to paste a definition that most of you already knew, but what the heck.
Many terrific memories here--and hopes that there will be more to come once we've all turned round to a better place.

Sure, lots of emotion currently, anger (me, too), frustration (me, too), big sweep there of the dark side. But we have a history of mostly light. Read the first year! I did to find out what is was like before I came here. It is an education in itself and a wonder. Well worth the time to go so far back in the brief history of this bulletin board, but what gay personalities, and many who are still here, even if in the background for now.

I've left and come back, left and come back, and now have sortof left mostly, but will light a candle of a post once in a while in hopes that AWAD won't die. Contention can't win here if we just hold onto hope that the way things were in the first year are retrievable. And some of that bright spirit has continued its glow through the following year when you take out the hostile argument. I wish I had the power to wipe out all record of open fighting that perhaps would have done better in the arena of PMs. But it's part of our history now. In all ways that I've contributed to any hostility, I am sorry, even if in reacting in PMs.

Anyway, thank you, Anu, for putting up with the agony and letting us enjoy the ecstasy. Where else could one find a group of people who are actually interested (very) in what a sedgewik (sedgwik?) actually is, and, long, long ago, even had food threads that delighted. Consider Max's contribution way back then:

As you read it, please sing it to yourself, to the tune of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody


Naan, just killed a man
poppadom against his head
Had lime pickle now he's dead.
Naan, dinner's just begun
But now I'm gonna crap it all away.
Naan, ooh, ooh
Didn't mean to make you cry
Seen nothing yet just see the loo tomorrow
Curry on, curry on
Cause nothing really Madras.
Too late, my dinner's gone
Sends shivers down my spine
Rectum aching all the time
Goodbye onion bhaji, I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and use the loo.
Naan, ooh, ooh
This doopiaza is so mild
I sometimes wish we'd never come here at all.
<<guitar solo>>
I see a little chicken tikka on the side
Rogan Josh, Rogan Josh, pass the chutney made of mango
Vindaloo does nicely
Very very spicy
Byriani (Byriani)
Byriani (Byriani)
Byriani and a naan
(A vindaloo loo loo loo)
I've eaten balti, somebody help me
He's eaten balti, get him to the lavatory
Stand you well back
'Case the loo is quarantined...
Here it comes
There it goes
Technicolor yawn
I chunder
It's coming up again
(There he goes)
I chunder, it's coming back again (There he goes)
Coming back again (up again)
Here it comes again.
(No no no no no no NO)
On my knees, I'm on my knees
On his knees, Oh, there he goes
This vindaloo
Is about to wreck my guts
Poor me.. poor me...poor meee!
<<guitar solo
So you think you can chunder and then feel alright?
So you try to eat curry and drink beer all night?
Oh maybe, But now you'll puke like a baby
Just had to come out
It just had to come right out in here.
<<guitar solo>>
[slow bit}
Korma, sag or bhuna
bhaji, balti or naan
Nothing makes a difference
Nothing makes a difference
To meee....
Anyway, the wind blows....shshshsh


I hope I copied that reference right 'cause I copied it last week and it's hard to make out the credits. Anyway, this place is a treasure trove for word pirates. And I hope it will be again.

Many thanks, Anu, and thanks and good will to you and you and you....

Best regards,