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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Statistically only 2% all all performing artists (actors, dancers, musicians, singer/songwriters, magicians, etc.) make a living income by performing.Watch it WO'N, or you'll have Musick and me crying over all those lost opportunities and the horrendous hours we put in trying to be musos and to be able to eat at the same time ... 
The idiot also known as Capfka ...
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Found while browsing through the latest edition of the Annals of Improbable Research email today ...
2002-01-06 Name Question
Investigator Alistair McCulloch, who is Head of Research at Edge Hill College of Higher Education, poses a simple question:
Idly wandering through the Science Citation Index this lunchtime, I came across the following citation which I would propose as a leading contender for the longest ever author list in the history of academe. My question, as a social scientist: Is this the longest ever?
The paper to which investigator McCullogh refers is:
"Effects of Ramipril on Cardiovascular and Microvascular Outcomes in People with Diabetes Mellitus: Results of the HOPE Study and MICRO-HOPE Substudy," Lancet, vol. 355, no. 9200, January 22, 2000, pp. 253-259.
The authors are:
Gerstein HC, Yusuf S, Mann JFE, Hoogwerf B, Zinman B, Held C, Fisher M, Wolffenbuttel B, Bosch J, Richardson L, Pogue J, Halle JP, Yusuf S, Sleight P, Dagenais G, Montague T, Bosch J, Pogue J, Taylor W, Sardo L, Arnold M, Baigrie R, Davies R, Gerstein H, Jha P, Johnstone D, Joyner C, Kuritzky R, Lonn E, Mitchell B, Morris A, Sussex B, Teo K, Tsuyuki R, Zinman B, Probstfield J, Young J, Diaz R, Paolasso E, Avezum A, Piegas L, Mann J, Wolffenbuttel B, Ostergren J, Meaney E, Aprile M, Bedard D, Cossett J, Ewart G, Harris L, Kellen J, LaForge D, Magi A, Skanes J, Squires P, Stevens K, Bosch J, Cherian F, Holadyk-Gris I, Kalkbrenner P, Lonn E, Mazur F, McQueen M, Micks M, Monti S, Pogue J, Sardo L, Thompson K, Westfall L, Yusuf S, Richardson L, Raw N, Genisans M, Diaz R, Paolasso E, Avezum A, Piegas L, Gerstein H, Zinman B, Dagenais G, Arnold M, Auger P, Avezum A, Bata I, Bernstein V, Bourassa M, Diaz R, Fisher B, Gerstein H, Grover J, Gun C, Gupta M, Held C, Hoeschen R, Kouz S, Lonn E, Mann J, Mathew J, Meaney E, Meldrum D, Pilon C, Ramos R, Roccaforte R, Starra R, Trivi M, Davies R, Johnstone D, Lonn E, Probstfield J, McQueen M, Sackett D, Collins R, Davis E, Furberg C, Hennekens C, Pitt B, Turner R, Braver J, Cuneo C, Diaz M, Dizeo C, Guzman L, Lipshitz S, Llanos S, Lopez J, Lorenzatti A, Machado R, Mackey C, Mancini M, Marino M, Martinez F, Matrone A, Nordaby R, Orlandini A, Romero G, Ruiz M, Rusculleda M, Saavedra S, San Damaso J, Serra J, Tuero E, Zapata G, Zavala A, Grisold M, Klein W, Brosch E, Baumans P, Brusselmans H, Bodson A, Boland J, Cano J, Chaudron JM, Degaute JP, Duprez D, Heyndrickx G, Krzentowski G, Mockel J, Wautrecht J, Alexandre E, Amodeo C, Armaganijan D, Ayub J, Bertolami M, Bodanese L, Borges J, Caramelli B, Carvalho A, Coelho O, Dioguardi G, Faludi A, Brage JF, Fichino M, Franken R, Ghorayeb N, de Souza MG, Greque G, Guedes A, Kadri T, Kawamura T, Labrunie A, Malheiros F, Marafon L, Nakamura M, Nonohay N, Ogawa C, Pavanello R, Puech- Leao P, Ramires F, Ramires L, Sampaio M, Saraiva L, Tanajura L, Ueti O, Vitola D, Armstrong F, Armstrong W, Baptie B, Basinger M, Bell N, Beresford P, Black W, Brass N, Browne M, Browne K, Brownoff R, Chaytors G, Cottier W, Donnelly R, Dzavik V, Edwards A, Felker P, Giannoccaro P, Goeres M, Greenwood P, Grose M, Grossman L, Gulamhusein S, Hui W, Hutchison F, Irving A, Kasian L, Kasza L, Korner L, Kvill L, Lakhani Z, Lam S, Lesoway R, Ma P, Martinez V, Meldrum D, Mitchell B, Mitchell D, Montague T, Musseau A, Muzyka T, Neffgen C, Neffgen J, Nichol R, O'Beirne M, Paradis J, Paterson D, Plesko A, Prosser A, Radomsky N, Roth D, Ryan E, Senaratne M, Simon M, Stenerson P, Stone J, Talibi T, Wedel R, Wyse D, Altwasser F, Ashton T, Askew J, Bernstein V, Bishop W, Bloomberg G, Boone J, Breakwell L, Buller L, Calvert K, Carere G, Dahl M, Dawson K, Dodek A, Dufton J, Geddis R, Ghosh S, Heath J, Hilton D, Imrie J, Jay D, Kiess M, Klinke P, Kornder J, Lee P, Leong W, Lewis J, Lounsbury N, MacDonald L, MacDonald K, MacNeil A, MacRitchie D, McGee L, Mitchell L, Mulcahy K, O'Donoghue S, Pearce A, Perreault L, Polasek P, Rabkin S, Reilly M, Richardson P, Scoffield E, Sweeney R, Terwiel M, Thompson C, Wagner K, Webb J, Wedding K, Woo K, Wright M, Zutz A, Briol L, Hoeschen R, Mehta P, Mohammed I, Ong A, Ong G, Bessoudo R, O'Brien L, McLellan L, Milton J, Elgar F, Joyce C, O'Keefe D, Parsons M, Ravalia M, Sherman G, Smith R, Worrall G, Atkinson A, Barnhill S, Bata I, Crossman L, Folkins D, Hatheway R, Johnson B, MacFarlane M, Machel T, Morash J, Sheridan W, Shirley M, Anderson I, Arnold M, Baigrie R, Baird M, Baitz T, Barnie A, Basta M, Blakely J, Bozek B, Bradley W, Brown K, Burnham G, Cameron W, Cann M, Carroll S, Carter R, Chan N, Chan Y, Charles J, Cheung M, Cina C, Cleghorn L, Curnew G, Currado P, Davies R, DeGagne S, DeYoung P, Dhaliwal R, Dowell H, Drobac M, Dubbin J, Duffield K, Edmonds M, Fallen E, Feldman D, Fell D, Ferguson C, Finkelstein L, Fong G, Fowlis R, Fraser M, Frenette L, Fulop J, Glanz A, Goode E, Gupta M, Hanna A, Harris K, Hess A, Hierlihy P, Houlden R, Hramiak I, Hrycyshyn B, Iwanochko R, Janzen I, Kannampuzha P, Keely E, Kennedy R, Kenshole A, Kent E, Khan S, Kostuk W, Kowaleski M, Krupa M, Kumar G, Kuruvilla G, Kwok K, Lai C, Langer A, Laor J, Lau D, LaVallee T, Lent B, Liu P, Lochnan H, Lovell M, Lowe D, Mabb T, Maclean S, Man K, Marois L, Massel D, Matthews E, McManus R, McPhee E, McQueen M, McSherry J, Millar D, Miller F, Miners L, Misterski J, Moe G, Mulaisho C, Munoz C, Nawaz S, Noseworthy C, O'Keefe H, Oosterveld L, Panju A, Paquette H, Parkovnick M, Paterson R, Pflugfelder P, Powers S, Rebane T, Redda A, Reeves E, Ricci J, Sasson Z, Sayles M, Scott M, Sibbick M, Singh N, Southern R, Spence D, Sternberg L, Stewart J, Styling S, Sulllivan B, Sullivan H, Sullivan M, Swan J, Taichman J, Tan K, Tanser P, Tartaglia C, Taylor K, Thomson D, Turek M, Vakani T, vanWalraven A, Varey M, Vexler R, Walters J, Weeks A, Weingert M, Wetmore S, Whitsitt P, Willing J, Wilson C, Wilson J, Wisenberg G, Wolfe M, Wolter B, Yao L, Costain G, Hickey E, MacMillan E, Aris-Jilwan N, Auger P, Banville P, Beaudoin J, Belanger A, Belanger N, Belleville L, Bilodeau N, Bogaty P, Boulianne M, Bourassa M, Brophy J, BrouilletteM, Buithieu J, Calve C, Campeau J, Carmichael P, Carrier S, Chiasson J, Coutu B, Coutu D, Croteau S, D'Amours G, Dagenais N, Delage F, Deschamps J, Dion D, Douville Y, Dumont F, Dupuis R, Frechette L, Gauthier S, Gervais P, Giguere G, Giroux R, Gossard D, Gosselin G, Goulet G, Grondin F, Halle J, Henri L, Houde G, Joyal M, Kandalaft N, Karabatsos A, Kiwan G, Kouz S, Labbe R, Langlais M, Lauzon C, LeBlanc M, Lenis J, Leroux S, Loisel R, MacLellan K, Morissette A, Noel H, Ouimet F, Pedneault L, Piche J, Pilon C, Plourde P, Poirier C, Poisson D, Roberge B, Robert M, Rodrique M, Roy C, Roy L, Ruel M, Samson M, Saulnier D, Savard D, Serpa A, Sestier F, Smilovitch M, Starra R, St-Hilaire R, Theroux P, Toupin-Halle A, Tremblay J, Truchen H, Turcotte J, Vachon S, Vienneau R, Wilson P, Habib M, Habib N, Ahmed S, Hart M, Walker J, Walker M, Thomasse G, Meunier L, Sayeed Z, Juhl H, Kolendorf K, Hamalainen T, Gin H, Rigellau V, Bohm M, Erdmann E, Forst P, Gordalla A, Hampel R, Hartmann C, Hasslacher G, Henrichs H, Hensen J, Hopf R, Kromer E, Martin T, Maus J, Mayer B, Miedlich S, Moeller A, Nast H, Oehmen-Britsch R, Paschke R, Prehn B, Riegger G, Riel R, Rosak C, Schroeder C, Schulze-Schleppinghoff B, Schunkert H, Schweda R, Stablein A, Stein U, Truchon H, Unger H, Wetzel H, Crean P, White U, Aina F, Balzan C, Barbaresi F, Brancaleoni R, Brunazzi M, Brunelli C, Cambiano A, Caponnetto S, Casaccia M, Centofante P, Cernigliaro C, Goi AC, Cicciarello C, Cotogni A, DeJoannon U, Dellavesa P, di Gerogio L, Di Luzio S, Fava A, Frigeni G, Gatto E, Giani P, Giorgi-Pierfranceschi D, Imparato C, Landoni M, Magnani B, Manicardi E, Mantovani B, Marini M, Martini U, Mazzantini S, Merni M, Miglierina E, Marini M, Molinari G, Nanni D, Paciaroni E, Pareschi P, Pasqualini M, Perazzoli F, Polese A, Poletti F, Portioli I, Provasoli S, Repetto S, Rigatelli G, Roccaforte R, Romano E, Rossi E, Rugolotto M, Rusticali F, Saccomanno G, Simoni C, Stucci N, Terranova P, Tortul C, Velussi M, Vincenzi M, Vincenzi P, Zavaroni D, Cardona-Munoz E, Elizondo L, Fausto M, Galindo R, Gloria-Breceda F, Hernandez- Garcia H, Ibarra-Flores M, Illescas-Diaz J, Lopez-Alvarado A, Meaney E, Olvera-Ruiz R, Rivera-Capello J, Romero-Soltero M, Samaniego-Mendez V, Vidrio-Velazquez M, Kruseman A, Mulder H, Sels J, van Doorn L, Vogel N, Hjerkinn E, Reikvam A, Albert X, Alvarez A, Cardona M, Cosio FG, Gilabert R, Karoni A, Lopez-Bescos L, Masia R, Saenz L, Sanz G, Ahnberg K, Andersson D, Andersson O, Astrom L, Bergsten L, Bjorkman H, Borgman C, Cervin P, Dalhgren C, Ekholm L, Ericsson UB, Eriksson C, Fagher B, Gertow O, Gillberg P, Hagg A, Hallberg A, Hansson B, Hansson P, Held C, Heinonen M, Henning R, Jacobsson L, Jagren C, Jonasson T, Kahan T, Katzman P, Kristensson B, Krogager K, Leijd B, Lennerhagen P, Ljungdahl L, Menyes H, Ohman P, Olsson PO, Rosenqvist U, Ryden L, Sartor G, Sjostedt P, Smith L, Stahl L, Svensson A, Svensson K, Taghavi A, Thulin T, Torebo E, Weber P, Wysocki M, Anesini A, Boman P, Cozzi R, Gerber P, Honegger R, Kick A, Kiowski W, Lehmann R, Lull B, Moccetti T, Pasotti E, Rojas J, Rossi A, Rossi M, Safwan E, Schindler R, Sessa F, Spinas G, Allan B, Cumming L, Fisher B, Heller S, Kennedy J, Kesson C, Lochiel R, Manns J, McGroarty E, Raeburn K, Small M, Struthers S, Wilkinson I, Brown E, Holt J, Perry G, Singh B, Szlachcic Y, Vlachou M, Yee F, Clegg L, Horwitz L, St John M, Anderson J, Rashkow A, Schwartz K, Abercrombie L, Cintron G, Garrett D, McHale J, Miller A, Sullebarger J, Tripp G, Zoble R, Orander P, Sridharan M, Sridharan V, Berger S, Davidson M, Geohas J, Islam N, Rajanahally R, Seikel K, Susmano A, Wentworth M, Advani S, Rough R, Wickemeyer W, Young N, Goldstein M, Dinneen S, Farkouh M, Helgemoe P, Miller T, Parkulo M, Pierpont G, Weigenant J, Rich M, Schmidt P, Abrams J, Robbins D, Bonora M, Cohen G, Constantinou M, Dimova A, Fitzpatrick P, Gage L, Graham S, Kohn R, Lader E, Powers J, Reiter P, Witt N, Buchsbaum R, Donese B, Gupta S, Hoogwerf B, Suhan P, Suryaprasad A, Williams D, Danisa K, Lowery M, Lyon K, Rae C, Gandara B, Gramberg M, Grover J, Amidi M, Bell M, DiTommaso M, Day J, Durand J, Farmer J, Torre G, Vooletich M, Gorham J, Gowing B, Kingry C, Lehmann K, Letterer R, Lorch G, Lwai S, Mack R, Nemanich J, Primm R, Utley R, Vaughn L, Bergentoft A, Borgman C, Brosch E, Engbers A, Flores M, Forst P, Frisenda L, Gerle S, Huber D, La Tour F, Lehtonen R, Luca C, Keays JS, Masterson N, Moore R, Morales-Virgen J, Penson, Persson C, Pina C, Plouffe D, Reglier JC, Riley J, Rolstad T, Ronsted P, Spinewine P, Styner L, van den Boom N, and Yuki-Miyakoshi S.
---------------------------------------------------------- 2002-01-07 Answer to the Name Question
The answer to investigator McCulloch's question is: No, it is not the longest.
So far as we know, the academic paper with the greatest number of co-authors is a medical report by Topol, Califf, Van de Werf, Armstrong, and their 972 co-authors, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 329, no. 10, September 2, 1993, pp. 673- 82. Their report has one hundred times as many authors as pages. These co-authors shared the 1993 Ig Nobel Prize in literature.
Well, it may not be the longest, but it sure is a hell of a long list of Keiva's likely primary victims, inn't?
The idiot also known as Capfka ...
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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See http://chicagotribune.com/features/lifestyle/chi-0201160110jan16.story?coll=chi-leisure-hed for a different take on this. The article stresses that plagiarism harms the reading public -- which is my position you misunderstand me here, CK  -- but the article's reasoning is different from mine and IMHO is somewhat fatuous. Nobody got hurt, right? Well, actually, that's not right.
There were a whole lot of victims -- and not just the historians whose words Ambrose plagiarized. As trite as it may sound, everyone's the loser when a writer, particularly a historian, such as Ambrose, takes the lazy way out and copies someone else's words, perspectives and ideas and presents them as his own. What's lost, at that moment, is an opportunity for a new insight into -- a fresh way of understanding -- the human condition.As to Ambrose's particular case, the article struck me as a reasonably thorough and balanced discussion.
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I am aware that the printing press was the impetus for copyrights. And I wasn't really trying to draw a distinction between plagiarism and copyright, just show that in some cases (performing art and writing) that there are differences in execution. You only detailed how stuff becomes traditional - I don't think anything I said regarding that contradicts you. And I don't exclude trademarks and patents, either. In the real world, a patent is something that gets the inventor prestige, but inventions get stolen all the time anyway. Inventors are pressured to sell their patents so the purchaser can bury it etc. The system isn't really all that good, so focusing on a teenager downloading Slipknot from Napster reminds me of draining a pool with a thimble.
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at with the whole business of how tough it is to be a noted and financially stable artist. I realize that. That number certainly doesn't *increase* with the intrusion of the middlemen, though. And my whole point is that art should not be "packaged, promoted, and distributed" - the necessity for that is a fallacy. The reason music and such can be stolen is because it is so cheap to copy. It costs something to *produce*, but that is a simple matter of the current middlemen becoming more like investment bankers. They bankroll production (and advertising, if they want) rather than "finding and cultivating talent." I don't think they do much of a service there. Some of the "talent" can't perform their way out of a wet paper bag (can anyone say "Milli Vanilli"?? I thought so).
History is full of artists who got popular *in spite* of the big money. If there weren't big middlemen in the way, I don't think we'd lack for good art. We'd only have to pay less for it, and word-of-mouth advertising would rule supreme. Instead of surfing the net for good artists, people would probably take recommendations from friends. I do that now anyway. I don't go into bookstores and music stores to shop. I have enough recommendations to keep reading for the next 500 years.
Cheers, Bryan
Cheers, Bryan
You are only wretched and unworthy if you choose to be.
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This is all well and good for "established" authors. Chances of getting to be in that elite "promoted and distributed" club is very slim, and becoming popular as a result is even slimmer.
Cheers, Bryan
Cheers, Bryan
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
"Imitation isn't the sincerest form of flattery--it's plagiarism."
--- Red Skelton
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