Glad to see that the USn's caught the whiff of irony in the name. We do use (although not exclusively) both Fred and Joe Bloggs - rhymes with cloggs for "fill the gap" names. Imagine a Monty Python Gumby complete with string vest and knotted hankerchief on the head.

Lots of different names are used. Couples would book into hotels (in the days when people cared if you were married) as Mr & Mrs Smith or Jones. The name John Smith tended to be used as "everyman" until he became the leader of the Labour Party in the early nineties.

By the way (Jackie cover your ears), I forgot that a diminutive of the name of second in line to the throne was commonly used as a part of male anatomy, although I've always regarded the diminutive of the name of a "tricky" US President as a bit of an Americanism when used here.