Dear Everyone

I'm a very peaceable bear at heart and never likes ta upset anyone.

I likes very much Dr Bill - in fact he was one of the first people ta welcome ta the site. I don't want ta be washen me durty laundry in public, but in a private correspondance ta Kieva I did explain me actions.

Ya see, I thought the comment Dear GT: No article can meet the needs of those less well informed than you are, without seeming inane to you was also inappropriate and as I said ta Kieva "What's good fer the goose is good fer the gander." I'm quiet sure thar Dr Bill took the hole thing in his stride. Whitman is quite right in his comments - it seems as if the s*** has indeed hit the fan and a Fart War could brake out any minute!

Unfortunately, if this is the case I'm goen ta have ta bow out now, fer if a war does brake out I'll surely win. Ya see, I take no prisoners and as I have a mind like a sewer (though I don't often use it)(the sewer bit, that is - not me mind), I'll have plenty of ammunition and all that sorta stuff and nonsense ta fight with. I've got a lot of stink bombs in me arsenal as well.

Anyways, I'm sure Bill took my comment in the same way I took his - in the best of fate. If ye do continue the fight may the best man win, cos this bear has farted around enuff fer one day and won't be taken sides!

Keep the peace and may the forts be with ya.