Happy New Year to all. Here’s a brief glossary of terms you may find useful for minutes of meetings, in case you are so afflicted in your professional or social lives!

OT: We explored all possible solutions to the problem.
Actual Meaning: Opinions were like arseholes – everybody had one.

Official Term: The results were inconclusive.
AM: Sod-all was accomplished.

OT: It is suggested that the wisest course….
AM: This is what I want…

OT: While no conclusive agreement was reached, we feel that definite progress was made towards resolving differences.
AM: The other bastards wouldn’t budge an inch.

OT: It is widely accepted that…
AM: One other person agreed with me.

OT: A great deal of additional work will be necessary before the proposal can be acted upon.
AM: Nobody understood it.

OT: It is hoped that this report will stimulate increased interest in the problem.
AM: For God’s sake, let some other poor schmuck get saddled with this next time.

OT: This concludes the committee’s appraisal of the situation.
AM: We wash our hands of the whole bloody mess!

The moral lies in a quote that Anu used a while ago:

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it is spent. Be careful lest other people spend it for you.

~ Carl Sandburg