And, Faldage, here you are so Bold:

So wherefrom did y'all learn the "misuse" of can that it is there to be hemmed about?

Here in Vir-gin-eye-aye, we're too close to the Mason-Dixon to drop into "y'alls"--except in the mountains, but them there varmints are altogether different from the bloody FFV's!

You gotta git into the 'Carolinas before you hear the dadburned "y'alls."

And what are your references, F? Yeah, yeah, I know we've got an abundance of "You alls," but we don't speak "y'alls," and DeWitt is pretty darned close to the North Carolina line.

We still do teach the difference between can and may. Hey, it may fall on deaf ears, but we teach the dadburded distinction. (And there's the students thinking, "Can you do it, can you do it!" while we write egregiously frustrated on our black and white--read: high tech--boards.)

I've gotta go offline. Today is still not a good day.

Best regards in the spirit of tolerance,
come may as you will,
Poor, poor DubDub