A friend, playing an american, used the subject line.. It is a very american thing to do, but many of us hate it.. since my job is IT support, i get a lot of variations of the line-- and i have a number of different responses.. (unfortunately, none of them is entirely effective... but it keeps me from going crazy!)

how do you respond to Can i ask you a question?

Just one? We offer discounts on three or more.

I have a question....

Ans: and i have answers! shall we see if any of my answers match your question?

Can i ask you...

Anything! but remember i don't kiss and tell!

Do you mind if i ask?

If i said yes, would it stop you?

i don't use any of the answers snidely, but all rather lightheartedly.. and one or two people have actually changed! and get right to the question!