Great thread!...I found all the verb discussion of particular interest...thanks, everyone. My pet verb peeve right now is the saw/seen dilemma. We've discussed the natural evolution of language, and I agree there's no biblical scripture to prevent it from forming new nuance and patterns. But we always knew, we were always taught that I, we, or they seen it, was incorrect. And I still can't get used to it, and probably never will. The problem is that it's becoming so prevalent in usage it's beginning to sound correct, so much so that even educated people are now chiming in with it. No one corrects's become acceptable now in most quarters, evidently. And, I hear it so often around me anymore, that once in a while (horror of horrors! ) I even catch myself slipping out with it when I know better! And each time I want to kick myself. But it seems the process has become its own creature, and now there's no turning back. I seen the light! I seen saw go away......