i dunno, The King is Dead!--Long Live the King!--

and for a serf, one overlord was pretty much the same as another. so long as the serf had a place, a bit of food, and could go out his (her) day.. part of their lack of drive might have been poor health, (driven by a hard live, lack of food, and chronic lowgrade infections,) rather than any lack of moral fiber.. but even today, i am patriotic about the United States-- Not Dubya! and that has nothing to do with my dislike of him.. He just is a temporary representative. my feelings of patriotism (and they are deep and real, and recognize that US has been on the wrong side of some issues, ) don't depend on who is president. -- the leadership comes and goes. what ever honor is accorded the president, to some degree, and maybe not enough to use the word fungible, the holders of the office are interchangeable.