
You all have heard of the stales passion for quiz nights - well you have now.

A couple of weeks ago our team were relegated to third place on a count back after we tied for second. One question we got wrong (even with a choice of four answers) was what do arctophiles collect? If we'd known the answer we'd have got second place.

Well, bugger me, went to another quiz night last night and there was the same bloody question - but without the benefit of multiple choice answers!! Do you think I could remember the answer - no way!! Even though we won the night, the glory of the prize (a packet of M&M's - well it was only a little quiz night!!) was dulled by not being able to remember the goods on arctophiles.

For the record, for once and for all, for now and for ever, stales hereby states he will always remember that arctophiles collect teddy bears.

Now I want to know why - any helpers?
