Actually, Jackie, this is a very timely post, as we turn our attention to the holiday season. Take note that Midwinter festivals, Celebrations of Light, date back to ancient pagan rituals, and include among others throughout history, the Roman Saturnalia, and, of course, Christmas. As the nights grow longer and the dark encroaches, finally arriving at its zenith on December 21st, it was only natural to focus on, and re-empower light, in the midst of all that cold and darkness. And to counter the barreness of life as well, thus our elevation of the evergreen. But, indeed, the deepened dark enhances the value of light. You can never let the fire go out or the wolves staring hungrily in the distance will move in and devour you.
Interestingly enough, however, it now seems, according to a just released study (does anyone have the citation on this?) that our immune systems actually need an extended period of true darkness each night to sustain their vitality. Thus, nightlights or any other seepage of light into one's sleeping quarters may be inhibiting your ability to maintain your health! So perhaps we don't respect enough the value of darkness after all? Nature is a crafty balancer...all influences accounted and provided for. We still have so much to learn about so many things. Most folks don't realize (or don't want to admit) how primitive our state of civilization really is. We have a long ways to go folks. May the force go with you! And may you maintain your light in the darkening days just ahead.