
I think you will find that it's not Swartz, but schwartze, which is a Yiddish pejorative for a black person. Akin to the N-word. In the following URL it's schwartz, but I believe the pronunciation had an "eh" on the end, two syllables. The w is most often pronounced as a V.

In another of Mel Brooks's wonderful movies, Black Bart's childhood is revealed when his parents are excluded from the wagon train circle when Indians attack. They circle the wagon, riding it around and around. Mel Brooks, incongrously garbed as an Indian chief in full regalia, rides up and says, "Ugh, schwartze! Cop a walk!"

After fifteen seconds of intense laughter, my Jewish girl friend and I looked around the theater, where no one else was laughing; they were instead staring at us. Buncha Philistines!