Some of these we've mentioned, but not all. I laboriously lifted them from another site, but I've butchered it so much that I think it's ok to just paste here my butcherings. I've put question marks after ones I haven't heard:

in bare feet brings to mind: barefoot and pregnant

on foot


footsore (adj)

footway (?)


my foot! (?)

ten feet tall

the boot is on the other foot

to foot it (Is this like "to hoof it," meaning to hurry?)

to be on one's feet

to be on one's feet again

to cut the ground from under
somebody's feet

to drag one's feet

to fall/land on one's feet

to find one's feet (?)

to get off on the wrong foot often a consequence of foot-in-mouth disease

to get to one's feet (?)

to get a foot in the door

to get cold feet

to have feet of clay

to have both feet on the ground

to have one foot in the grave

to have the ball at one's feet

to have two left feet

to let the grass grow under one's feet

to keep one's feet (?)

to put a foot wrong (?--foot-in-mouth disease again?)

to put one's best foot forward

to put one's feet up

to put one's foot in it

to put one's foot down

to set foot (?)

to sit at somebody's feet

to stand on one's own two feet

to walk somebody off their feet sounds alluring

Feet reguards,