wait a minute-- i have already been displace as the food thread queen--[honestly, lately all i have to do is just hint at a food fight and everyone gets back to words] and now i am getting more competition?

and do we have any lovelorn? We have Jackie doing a little bit of match making-- but lovelorn? nah!

what we do need to know is your sense of humor. are you one of the gutter police? or better yet, do you make occasional forays into the gutter? a dog lover? and just how shaggy is your dog?

we have and love our dear tsuwm when we want to end an argruement by consulting the OED-- sheer expertice abounds. what else do you have to offer..

maybe you should send an email to Anu, the wordsmith-- and join us for a chat!

about half of us here have read Winchester's the professor and the madman we know how the oed got going the first time.. it might be interesting to join a discussion on how thing have changed. (i noted in the back of my copy of the book an invitation to join in and help OUP with new additions-- so that hasn't changed.)

but you don't really need our permission.. you're always welcome to join us--just remember how things work.. a 90 posting thread on footnotes doesn't have a single ibid.