Thanks to Old Nick and Punman for the heads-up on henge.

When my wife and I went to see Stonehenge some years ago we drove right on by it first, thinking that it was a model of the real thing. Damned sight smaller than we expected! They always photograph it from close to the base and with nothing in the picture to give you a sense of scale.

We felt ripped off, really. I mean, couldn't those neolithic types have shown some fellow-feeling for the tourists who would come from all over the shop to see their masterpiece in the future and dragged a few really big stones in over the downs from 300 miles away? For the sake of posterity, if for nothing else. It's quite clear to me that their druids or whatever just didn't bring 'em up right. Some people just have no consideration for other folk or a sense of destiny, do they? Honestly!

Actually, I do have to say that the neoliths were very considerate, however, in their siting of Stonehenge. It's very conveniently placed where it is, right on the intersection of the A303 and the A344. And it's a great carpark.

The idiot also known as Capfka ...