I apologize for breeching board etiquette and posting on the former thread, but the Ogden Nash piece I stumbled across seemed so appropriate I just had to. And as a flatliner I know how lugubrious opening a long thread can be, even the main threads are taking forever to reveal themselves. It seems I do more waiting than reading or posting when I'm here now. And since I'm over 2,200 posts behind on Q & A and another few hundred back on Misc., the task of catching up seems formidible (if not downright impossible).
So, here, for those who missed it due to my carelessness, is the poem...'cause chuckles are priceless these days!

He must've written this poem with this (the former) thread in mind!

by Ogden Nash
How long
Is a song?
O Lord,
How long?
A second?
A minute?
An hour?
A day?
A decade?
A cycle of Cathay?
Press the ears
With occlusive fingers;
The whining melody
Lingers, lingers;
The mouthing face
Will not be hid,
But leers at the eye
From the inner lid.
With the sure advance of ultimate doom
The moaning adenoids larger loom;
The seven-foot eyebrows fall and rise
In roguish rapture or sad surprise;
Eyeballs roll with fine emotion,
Like buoys rocked by a treacle ocean;
Tugged like the bell above the chapel,
Tosses the giant Adam's apple;
Oozes the voice from the magic screen,
A slow Niagra of Grenadine;
A frenzy of ripe orgiastic pain,
Niagra gurgling down the drain.
How long
Is a song?
O Lord,
How long?
As long as Loew,
And Keith,
And Albee;
It Was,
And Is,
And Always Shall Be.
This is the string Time may not sever,
This is the music that lasts forever,
This is the Womb,
This is the Tomb,
This is Alpha, Omega, and Oom! The eyes, the eyes shall follow you!
The throat, the throat shall swallow you!
Hygienic teeth shall wolf you!
And viscous voice engulf you!
The lolloping tongue itself answer your question!
The Adam's Apple dance at your ingestion!
And you shall never die, but live to nourish the bowels
Of deathless celluloid vowels.
© 1947 by Ogden Nash
(note: the italics are mine)