It's apparent that the culture of this board doesn't tolerate excessively long robes. I guess that's OK, wordwind, so long as the culture of this board doesn't force you into a burqua.

I just have one question. Maybe you can help me out. I think we can all agree that a consensus freely formed by a representative sampling of participants should be respected as the dominant "culture" of AWADtalk. But who sits in judgment on these rules? Is there a chain of command here like the military with the Pooh-Bah corresponding in rank to a general? For instance, this rule or consensus or guideline (or whatever it is) that more than 100 postings is too many. Who made that rule? Is it written anywhere? Does anyone vote on it? How come no-one seems to know about except those who seek to enforce it? And is this rule being enforced selectively. I don't mean to be disrespectful, Wordwind, I am just trying to understand the "culture" here. It appears that the "Omegatist" thread has been pretty much shut down in deference to pronouncements from on high. It just seems curious to me that an entire thread can be shut down for exhibiting an excessive amount of enthusiasm and collegiality. I hope you [or someone, please] can help me out here, Wordwind, because I am at a loss for words. I have looked everyone on my own and I can't find anything about this 100 posting limit. Is somebody putting me on here?