Well, well, well... if it isn't time for a heads-up, ther'll never be one...


There was a time when I played the advocate of the devil 'imself (NTTAWWT)... and now my intentions are completely clear... alwaysHi, tsuwm...

However, not to confuze my reasons fer posting the above link... it was one of my all time faverits 'til a virus spread thru the last 16 posts or so and my 'puter woodn't load it anymore...

A hartie welcome to moss (again), milum, plutarch, wordminstrel and my sertain-to-be spellcheck buddie GallantTed.

As to the suggestshun that yer in fer an "initiation" period... well, ask anyW'ON pivately... and to suggest that there are hidden rules means ya ain't lookin' hard enough (not to suggest that you should, but since yer aksin'Hi, Keiva)... you should send archie a private message and see what (s)he thinks... or better yet, ask Alice. (BTW, beware of emoticons... they're pure evil, I tell ya!

TEd - You prolly alreddy thawt of this one, but, I think you've been G-Ted. (I'm still giggling about "Flockhart"...)