Thank ye all fer yer marvellous wellcome.
So many name ta remember and some of them don't even have vowels - how is a bear ta cope at all?

Wwh - I got that explanation about stranger bears from me tedasaurus. Being the most educationest bear around here I'll give ya a little lesson in Gaelic. (Prudes and the faint hearted, please look away now) It's Pog Mo Thoin (sounds like hone) which litterally means "kiss my bottom". Of course around here it sounds better if ya say "kiss me arse."
Mahony is actually pronounced Mahon-y, not Ma-hone-y. I appreciate yer efforts all the same.

TeD and Troy - do I feel a bit of tension between ye here? I'm not here fer love - unless ya mean the love of words and all things wordy.

Wordsmith - Thanks fer looken up "strange" fer me, but ya seem ta be getten yer aggitives and noums mixed up. Me mind is bogglen at the names ya were tryen ta call me - a curiousity? an oddness? Terrable altagether.

I see I'll have me work cut out fer me around here. Still, it'll be worth it, if I manage ta pick up a soupcon or two.

Which one of ye was tryen ta call me a grave digger? I assure ya that all me digging is done in a very jolly manner. Jovially and jocundly even.

Goldilocks isn't an Irish woman - she's a universal parvenu. And I'm not an Irishman - I'm an Irish teddy bear- there's a huge differance, ya know. Me Muse is a lovely lady altagether.