Okay, okay, I was doing it from memory. John of Gaunt was a real rogue, a mercenary dressed up in diplomat's clothing. My knowledge of Kenilworth's denizens comes from reading about Bolingbroke and that ne'er-do-well son of his'n, Henry V. They were definitely 15th century characters.

Possibly Bolingbroke and Hal had the use of Cold Harbour - certainly Henry V spent a lot of time there while his father was still alive and rotting away. I assumed that John of Gaunt owned it. Certainly the Hollands (close relatives) did for a while, but I'm not sure when. There is still a Cold Harbour Lane or Street in London.

My history references are still packed away and are likely to remain there for some time.

And beware the factual accuracy of novels anyway. Authors of fiction have been known to twist facts to suit themselves, you know ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...