Well, Bingley, there isn't much info on this artist on the net. His name is Chris Walker and the album this song is off is called "Sincerely Yours". It was recorded in 1993 and the record label is ERG.
"The artist, Chris Walker , December 15, 1999
Many Thanks
Hello to the fans that continue listening to my albums. I can't thank you enough for your continued support. I'm currently working on a new album due to be released early next year. If you'd like to meet me, I'll be touring with Al Jarreau next year. I'm singing background and playing bass. Hopefully I'll tour off my own album later next year. Once again, thanks for the support and please keep your eyes open for my new one. God Bless "

This is the most recent information I could find on him.
I could find only one more album listed for him entitled "First Time".
