everyone ... took off the gloves, and started to pick on me, and tease me, and made me feel like an insider.

Emphasis mine.

I don't remember being picked on so much* as having some of my obscure references understood in a way that rarely happens with me. I, too, have ended threads or had posts ignored. I'm normally hoping for some kind of response but I don't feel slighted if I don't get it and, while I make take some perverse pleasure in ending threads, I don't treat it as a goal. I had a brief PM exchange with Yoda (who seems to have had a brief, one week, exchange with all of us) in which he said he came for the good-natured banter and he enjoyed what he had seen so far. Whether he was a flash in the pan remains to be seen. I reviewed the entirety of the Omegatist thread and can see nothing there that anyone with a modicum of sense should have taken amiss. I can only assume that plutarch/wordminstrel didn't find what they were looking for here.

*Well, there was that droit de seigneur sub-thread.